Monday, May 25, 2009

Holiday Marathons

Talking to my man Fredy Blast, who by the way has the illest collection of rare video footage, tv shows, movies etc. about holiday marathons on tv and how dope they are when your favorite joints are shown from sun up to sun down. Today which is Memorial Day, SciFi channel is showing the Land of The Lost marathon and though I already have these stashed away on VHS I decided to sit and watch a good portion while I enjoyed a little Beer and Barbeque. Once again, it sucks that they are making yet another remake of a classic show into a damn movie. Come with some new ideas will you!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've seen this show since the early 1980's. I've been putting off buying that box set for a while now. That 90's version was all kinds of awful.
